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What You Should Know About Failed Back Syndrome And SSDI

If you have a back ailment and the symptoms are not being relieved by medical procedures and treatment, this puts you in a difficult situation for several reasons. You will need to know what can be done to make sure you have enough income to live on when you can no longer work.

What Failed Back Syndrome is

Failed back surgery syndrome is a condition that causes pain, discomfort, and disability after you have had spine surgery, such as a laminectomy for a ruptured disk, to try to alleviate your symptoms.

Why you should apply for SSDI

In some instances valiantly trying to continue to work at certain jobs can cause further damage to body tissues, increase your disabilities, and make your life even harder than it is. It may be time to consider applying for disability so that you can have some quality of life with your loved ones.

Also, If you are unable to work, you will still want a chance to be as independent as possible. Also, if you have some income coming in, you can get other forms of assistance to help you to obtain other necessities of life and medical care/assistance you will need.

What Increases Your Chances of Approval

If you are experiencing pain alone, this is not often enough to get disability benefits, because there is some expectation that you should be able to work through it, unless the pain is severe and unrelenting.

If you are well educated, the social security administration (SSA) may believe it is possible that you could work from home as a consultant or in some other non-physical capacity. Your talents and training will be a factor in determining your eligibility. Even with poor education and skills, you might be able to hold down a job as a parking lot attendant or a store greeter.

However, the SSA realizes that some people have other symptoms with back problems that can cause disability. If you had/have bulging disks, you could also have nerve damage that could affect your mobility and body organ functions. Scar tissue and/or arthritis can also complicate matters. Narcotic pain and nerve medicine prescriptions taken regularly can make it impossible for you to hold down a job.

When you see your physician, you should show that you have a positive attitude, and that you will be compliant as possible with medical treatment. This is important because if the doctor has a suspicion that you are malingering (feigning or exaggerating illness to be relieved of work or other responsibilities), this could end up in your medical record and hurt your SSDI case. It is also wise to keep a diary of your pain, symptoms, and any problems with accomplishing normal activities of daily living to help convince the SSA panel that you are eligible and have a need for the payments.

When Legal Representation is Necessary

If you have applied for SSDI and were rejected, you should consult with a SSDI lawyer like Freeman & Freeman. This will increase your chances for success with an appeal before an administrative law judge that works for the SSA.
