Understanding the Basics of Consumer, Financial and Personal Injury Law

3 Car Insurance Fraud Scams To Be Aware Of

Insurance fraud happens all the time and you never know when you can fall victim to becoming a part of one. This is especially true when it comes to car insurance frauds. Car insurance fraud can not only cost you big time in higher premiums and more, but it can even cause you or your passengers injury or loss of life. In order to ensure this doesn't happen to you, you will want to know what types of frauds are being used out there today. Most of the time, these frauds involve set-up car accidents. Here are just a few to be aware of:

Staged Rear-Ends: 

When someone is rear-ended, the person who did the rear-ending is often the one who is seen as being at fault. This is why scammers use staged rear-ends to quickly collect insurance money. Most of the time, these scammers will also go to the hospital claiming fake injuries in order to collect even more. What happens is a driver will quickly cut you off and then slam on his or her breaks, which would force you to hit the back of their vehicle in most cases. 

Added Damage:

After any car accident that you have been in, the other driver may claim additional damage to their vehicle that was not taken note of at the time of the incident. Sometimes they will even deliberately cause more damage to their vehicle in order to receive a higher insurance payout by claiming that the damage was caused by the car accident. On top of this, they could claim that damage their vehicle already had before the accident was caused during the accident. 

Waved-In Accidents:

Some insurance scammers will wave you into a place in front of them or wave for you to go at a stop sign and then crash into you. When they talk to the insurance company, they will then deny that they waved for you to go. Unfortunately, since it can be difficult to prove that you were waved-in to go, the scammer typically wins in this situation. 

These three scams happen often and unexpectedly. In order to protect yourself against these situations, you want to be aware of your surroundings. Avoid being too close to cars on the freeway and always leave enough space in front of you to avoid rear-ends. You also should take pictures of all damages caused during an accident. On top of this, be sure that you don't go even if another driver waves at you to tell you that it's okay. Even if they really are just trying to help, you just never know. It's best to only go when you know you have the right of way. If you do happen to experience one of these situations, make sure you get an insurance law attorney as quickly as possible. 
