Understanding the Basics of Consumer, Financial and Personal Injury Law

2 Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney about Your Car Accident Case

If you've been injured in an automobile accident, then you know just how scary this can be. The challenges of dealing with serious injury and suffering financial losses are sure to be overwhelming for any collision victim. It's critical to the outcome of your case to work towards finding the right answers to your questions by working with an attorney. Knowing the ideal questions to ask will help ensure you have a better chance of recovering your losses.

What are the Steps for Filing a Lawsuit?

Unless you have expertise in the area of legal matters, you will have no idea what's involved when it comes to getting a complaint filed and served. Your attorney is your best resource to guide you through the entire legal process of filing a complaint from beginning to end.

Listed below are a few of the steps you will need to complete:

1.    Consult with an attorney, state your case, and have the complaint filed against the defendant.

2.    Receive a response from the defendant that will either deny or admit the allegations filed against this person. The law usually requires that there must be an answer received within 30 days of the defendant receiving the lawsuit, but it's possible for an extension of time to be granted in some cases.

3.    Once the complaint has been filed and answered, the discovery stage of the lawsuit will begin, and this will aid in getting to the full details of the case. This process includes written interrogatories, the deposition, requests for admissions, and request for production of documents.

What are the types of payments you accept?

One of the first things you will want to know is what the cost of your case may be.Your attorney can provide you with the methods of acceptable payments, and some of these are listed below:

1.    Hourly – Some attorneys may charge by the hour, and this can make it easy for you to get a better idea of the amount of money you will owe. Just be sure that you understand what this hourly amount is before you leave the law office.

2.    Contingency – It's not uncommon for a personal injury case to be taken on a contingency basis. This means you may only have to pay for legal fees if your case is won. There is typically a percentage that the lawyer will get from the money you're awarded, and this is around 33%.

Being prepared for what will occur when taking legal action is critical to any case. Be sure to meet with a personal injury attorney in your area, such as Richard M Altman, to help you learn the full details of how to proceed.
