Understanding the Basics of Consumer, Financial and Personal Injury Law

What to Expect When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you are injured in an accident, you may need to hire an attorney to help you. Whether you are seeking money for injuries, lost wages, or other ways you have been affected by your injury, the best way to resolve your case might be to hire a professional injury attorney. Not every case will require you to get a lawyer involved, but if you suspect you need one, getting a consultation is a good first step. 

Meeting With a Lawyer About Your Case

The first step in determining if you will need a lawyer to help you with your case is to sit down and meet with one that has experience handling cases that involve the kind of injury you sustained. Explain the injury and the circumstances around how it happened. Let the attorney tell you what they think the best course of action should be. 

Working With an Investigator

In many cases, the lawyer will want an investigator to look into the injury or accident and the information you gave them about how it occurred. This is not because they do not believe you but because they need to establish the facts so they can fight your court case in the best way possible. Cooperate with the investigator completely so that there are no questions about what happened and how.

Gathering Medical Reports and Information

The attorney will very likely want to have the medical records that were generated for your treatment after the accident or injury. Make sure to release them to the attorney if they need them so they can get a clear picture of the injuries and effects of them. They may want a third party or another doctor to look at the records and possibly testify on your behalf in court. This is only going to help your case so be sure to work with the doctor and lawyer during this part of the process.

Appearing in Court

If your case goes to court, be prepared to appear and possibly testify if your lawyer recommends it. When you go to court, you should dress professionally and follow your lawyer's instructions to the letter. If you don't, it could cost you the case and potentially cost you a lot in legal fees and court costs. Always let your lawyer make the call for what needs to be done and how to proceed. 

For more tips on how to build a successful personal injury case, talk to a lawyer like those at Hornthal Riley Ellis & Maland LLP.
