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The Expenses Of A DUI

If you are considering driving when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you can expect to pay more than just bail money, when you are arrested. Aside from the fact that you could lose your life in an accident, you should be prepared to spend thousands of dollars, should you survive. The following costs are just some of the expenses you can expect, if you are arrested for driving under the influence:

Fines and Court Costs

When you get your first DUI charge, you should expect to pay a good deal of money in court costs. The fines for a first offender can be several hundred dollars, along with other penalties, possibly ranging into the thousands. If you have been arrested for DUI habitually, your fines could reach into five figures.

Driving School Fees

If you are deemed guilty of DUI, you may have to go to driving school, according to the rules in your state. This is the first step in getting your driver's license back. Driving schools typically last for several months. The expenses will vary, depending on the school you go to. The tuition, which you have to pay, can range from several hundred dollars to thousands.

Attorney Fees

You will need to hire an DUI defense lawyer to help you navigate the process of a DUI charge. Your attorney's fees will vary by attorney, so you will have to ask about the fees after you hire your lawyer. Attorney's fees can be based on different factors. Some considerations are whether or not this is your first offense, whether or not any expert witnesses are necessary, or if the circumstances around your DUI caused the serious injury or death of another.

Impoundment Fees

When you are arrested for DUI, your car will be impounded. To get your vehicle back, you will have to pay the fees to whoever towed your vehicle. The fees will consist of the towing fee and any storage fees, which typically charge daily. The impoundment lot could also charge you a fee to release your car. Your final total will be based on how long your car is impounded.

These are just some of the basic expenses you will have to pay when you are charged with a DUI. You will have additional expenses, including increased insurance coverage. You will also have to pay for your transportation expenses, while you are not allowed to drive.
