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When Do You Need An Immigration Attorney?

When you are dealing with moving to another country or having a loved one move to the United States, you may consider hiring an immigration attorney. Immigration attorneys have a lot to offer, and it is important that you understand when to work with a professional.

Are you on the fence about hiring an immigration attorney? Here are some situations in which you should consider hiring an attorney.

You Don't Know Which Option Is Best

When you or a loved one could qualify for several different kinds of visas, you may need to ask a professional what kind of visa would be the best option. In some cases, the best visa is the one that is available the quickest. Your immigration attorney will help you determine which visa is ideal.

This applies to work-based visas and green cards, in addition to family visas. For example, you might realize that your loved one is better suited to get a K-1 visa to get married rather than a standard immigrant visa.

Your Case Is Delayed

If you already have a visa or have already turned in the paperwork and are experiencing a delay, there could be a reason for this. An attorney will look into the matter and help you get your case back on track.

You Want to Hire Workers

In some cases, business owners want to sponsor workers who get green cards. You may have to meet specific standards in order to do this, and it is important to speak with a lawyer about the process of hiring these workers legally.

You Have to Go to Court

It is also important that you hire an immigration attorney if you think you have to go to court in the near future. If you are an immigrant and have been accused of a crime, you should speak with an attorney about the potential consequences and how to defend yourself.

You Think You Won't Be Allowed In

Whether you are currently outside of the country or you think you might not be allowed back in if you leave, you need to speak with an immigration attorney. Your attorney will help you determine if you will not be admitted into the country and what you may need to do to change your status.

Consult With an Immigration Attorney

An immigration attorney can help you take steps forward in your case. If you are looking for answers, an immigration attorney can help you. Consult with an immigration attorney today to learn more about your legal options.
