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Understanding The Types Of Cases That A Guardianship Attorney Takes On

A guardianship attorney is a legal professional who specializes in assisting families and individuals who need help with guardianship issues. There are several types of cases that a guardianship attorney can take on, and each requires a specific set of legal skills and knowledge. Here are some cases that a guardianship attorney may handle.

Adult Guardianship

An adult guardianship case involves appointing a legal guardian for an adult who is unable to make decisions for themselves due to a physical or mental disability. The guardian is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the adult, including decisions about healthcare, finances, and living arrangements. 

A guardianship attorney can help families navigate the complex legal process of obtaining guardianship and ensure that the adult's rights are protected.

Minor Guardianship

A minor guardianship case involves appointing a legal guardian for a child who is under the age of 18 and has no parent or guardian. The guardian is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the child, including decisions about education, healthcare, and living arrangements. 

A guardianship attorney can assist families in obtaining guardianship and ensuring that the child's best interests are protected.

Emergency Guardianship

An emergency guardianship case involves appointing a temporary guardian for an adult or child who is in immediate danger or at risk of harm. This type of guardianship is typically granted on a temporary basis and is meant to provide immediate protection for the individual in need. 

A guardianship attorney can help families obtain emergency guardianship and ensure that the individual's safety is protected.

Limited Guardianship

A limited guardianship case involves appointing a guardian for a specific aspect of an individual's life, such as healthcare or finances. This type of guardianship is often granted when an individual is only partially incapacitated and is able to make decisions in other areas of their life. 

A guardianship attorney can help families obtain limited guardianship and ensure that the individual's rights are protected.

Guardianship Disputes

Guardianship disputes can arise when there is disagreement among family members or other interested parties about who should be appointed as a guardian. A guardianship attorney can represent parties involved in a dispute and help resolve the issue through mediation or litigation.

Termination of Guardianship

A termination of guardianship case involves ending a guardianship that was previously granted to an adult or minor. This may be necessary when the individual is no longer in need of a guardian or when there are changes in circumstances that require a new guardianship arrangement. 

A guardianship attorney can assist families in terminating guardianship.

For more information, contact a guardianship attorney near you.
