A Guide To Duty Of Care In A Personal Injury Case

In a personal injury case, one of the most important concepts you will learn about is duty of care. To hold an individual responsible for your injuries, you must show that they had an obligation to be careful and to not be negligent. However, that individual breached their duty and caused your injuries. If you are not sure if the other party breached their duty of care, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer. [Read More]

Christmas Injuries—Not a Wonderful Time of the Year for Accidents

The holidays are supposed to be special because families and loved ones gather to celebrate. Christmas is praised as "the most wonderful time of the year." Unfortunately, people often find themselves stressed out trying to prepare and make everything perfect. Amid that stress, people will often rush around in a cloud of chaos, which can lead to unfortunate accidents. Christmas-related accidents can lead to burns, scars, falls, cuts/lacerations, and concussions.  [Read More]

Keeping Records: What Is A Car Accident Journal?

When you are in a car accident due to another driver's negligence and you get hurt, one great way to document your injuries is with a car accident journal. Not only will you be able to more easily keep up with the details of your injuries, but your car accident attorneys will be able to present your journal as proof when you seek compensation from a negligent party. Here are some things you need to know about a car accident journal: [Read More]

Marijuana-Related Criminal Charges: What To Know

While marijuana is legal in many states, the rules are somewhat confusing and can change as you cross state lines. What hasn't changed are the rules against driving under the influence (DUI), though. No matter how lenient marijuana laws may have become in your area, it will always be illegal to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or marijuana while driving. To learn more about this increasingly common issue, read below. [Read More]